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Detecting Heat Stroke

Detecting Heat Stroke

August 4th, 2021

Heat stroke is a very serious medical condition, and, unfortunately, there have been many cases of it recently while we have experienced these awful, recent heat waves. It is useful to know what heat stroke is and how to detect it. If you have it, yourself, you may be too sick to say so, however, perhaps this short article could help you detect it in someone else.

Here are some signs and symptoms of heat stroke, below. However, it is usually a combination of several signs that would indicate heat stroke, not necessarily just one.


Flushing or a bright red face is one potential sign.


An altered mental state is another sign. That is why it could be very difficult to recognize heat stroke in yourself. Heat stroke involves significant changes in your electrolytes from dehydration and is often accompanies by confusion.


Someone suffering from heat stroke may be unconscious or semi-conscious.

Nausea and/or Vomiting

Rapid Pulse


Headache could be severe.

Minimal Sweating

Someone suffering from heat stroke, which is the most serious type of heat injury, has likely stopped sweating. That person may have been sweating extensively initially, but stops sweating as the condition becomes more serious.

If you suspect someone is suffering from heat stroke, this is considered a medical emergency, and you should call 9-1-1 for an ambulance. Exposure to high temperatures, often in combination with activity or exercise makes anyone susceptible to heat stroke. Seniors can be even more susceptible as our bodies are increasingly fragile as we age. Watch for heat stroke in those around you during the summer and especially our unprecendented heat waves.