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Making Time for Yourself in an Assisted-Living Community

Making Time for Yourself in an Assisted-Living Community

August 9th, 2022

Making time for yourself is important for everyone. Alone time helps us to recharge, rejuvenate, and rest. Those who have a regular habit of making special time for themselves manage stress better, have higher rates of satisfaction with life, and lower rates of depression.

This is true for seniors as well as everyone else. So, here are some hints for how to make time for yourself.

Schedule It In

Put it in your schedule just like you would for a doctor’s appointment. Schedule an hour or two for yourself on a daily basis, if possible, at whatever time of day suits you.

Plan Something Pleasant

One person’s special alone time may look different than someone else’s. Plan something for yourself that is pleasant and relaxing for you. This could be a walk, meditation, doing artwork, needlework, taking a bath, or reading a book, for example.

Do It Regularly

Alone time should be a habit, something that you do every day or every other day. The more frequently and regularly you practice it, the more benefit you will receive from it.

Never feel ashamed about reserving some time for yourself. This is something relaxing, fun, and well documented that it is good for your health. If you make it part of your routine, then it will become second nature and will not feel odd for you. It will become as important as eating well and our personal hygiene. When we look after ourselves, then we have more energy and patience to do everything else in our lives better including looking after others.